Iron Sharpens Iron


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Does She Serve you?

Nov 19, 2024
Starve of anything that does not add to your life and takes time away from you.
Anything that does not serve you in this life—remove. Even if it’s her. Analyze her and the things in your life and discern what belongs.
How do you starve it?
You starve it by removing your attention from it.
Once you do this, you will begin to see changes in your life and in hers.
Changes in your life:
-you will start to utilize your efforts in the proper way that benefits you. Because you are no longer connected to the emotions or thrills that thing brought you.
-you will see habits, behaviors, or thought process she held from a different perspective. That is, you’re going to start to see if she actually is something worth pursuing.
-if you stop reaching out to her, you’re going to see what much you really meant to her. If you reach out to her, she’s got no time to miss you. She HAS TO MISS YOU. Additionally, you’re going to see what she thinks of you. Her pursuit is equal to her desire for you and the relationship you once had or have.
Consider starving the connection for a bit.
Starve off everything in your life right now that does not add or bring peace in your life.
You owe it to yourself to see the true nature of things and that only comes from solitude.
Right now, take the time to see what things in your life that doesn’t serve you. Write them down. Then begin to starve it of your attention. If it’s not meant for you, it will die. But if there is life in it, it will come back and add to yours.
Isolate yourself. Get alone with yourself.
The only attention you give out is the attention to yourself.
Everything else that is meant for you will meet you where you are at.

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